The challenges and lessons learned · I used WordPress to set up a theme for a new photographic brand called Saturn9 Photography 🚀a few years ago. The...
I used to pass services to constructor of the component in the following way: import {MyServiceA} from './myServiceA'; import {MyServiceB} from...
plus Typescript tip · I'll shortly describe what Javascript (JS) array is, how we basically use it and then I'll describe how we can check whether it's...
Using APP_INITIALIZER · Do you have to load configuration files to set some application properties or to load some data before the application starts?...
A short rant about poor DX/UX · I worked on a website recently and I got a feedback from designers. It's important to check that everything looks great...
I read some parts of the JS book series 'You Don't Know JS' by Kyle Simpson a few years ago. Now there is a 2nd edition in progress and I started...